Quail Electronics

MD&M Chicago Wrap-Up

Oh boy! The Quail crew just got back from MDM Chicago, and boy was it fun! Not only did we get to meet tons of great people, we loved showing off our new products!

MDM Blog Pic

Our new International Auto-Lock got some great responses, as well as our Hospital Grade Power Cords. We hit the Windy City for three days, and it could not have gone better! Our booth featured lots of giveaways, as well as exciting products, including our colored cords, USB power chargers, and rotating power strips!

fish people

The trade show was located at the McCormik Place and was packed full of presenters and interested customers. While some people went straight to the big ticket items, others learned about our great power cords. Although seemingly small, these cords are vital in ensuring that power is streaming to all devices, especially in hospitals.  

It was a great show, and hopefully, everyone who attended enjoyed it as well!

By Clark Cable

Instead of boasting about himself, Clark would like to thank all of the great people who came by our booth. He would also like to make a special shout out to the wonderful Quail representatives that did such a great job in Chicago.

MD&M Chicago Preview

MDM_ChicagoBig news!  In just a few days, my friends over at Quail Electronics are headed to Chicago for the 2013 Medical Design Manufacturers Trade Show!  MDM is hosted by MedTechWorld, and will feature hundreds of manufacturers excited to show you their new products!

Quail will be there as an official Qualified Qmed Supplier. Why is that important?  Well Qmed.com is a directory for pre-qualified suppliers to the medical device industry.  Qmed is a resource utilized by many in the medical field to ensure that they are finding suppliers (like Quail Electronics) that adhere to the strict standards and requirements that are needed for the medical industry. Continue reading MD&M Chicago Preview

Celebrating 25 Years in Business

Logo-OrbSome people need universal power cords to operate their servers, some people need 10 gauge power cords to operate something a little stronger or some people might need a Schuko plug power cord for their company in Europe. Whatever you may need we have the variety out there covered for you. Quail Electronics, Inc. has been one of the world leaders in power cords since 1988. With our expertise in the business, our company thrives on meeting all your expectations about power cords.

We have many options for Domestic, International and Medical markets. Domestic cords have UL and CUL approval and the international cords have the appropriate approvals for their area. All of our hospital grade cords are Green Dot approved which means they went through rigorous testing by Underwriters Laboratories.

Continue reading Celebrating 25 Years in Business