Best Locking Extension Cord: The Q-Lock®

If you are like me and experience disconnection with extension cords, then you know how frustrating it is when the cords keep unplugging themselves! For example, I was rearranging my living room but couldn’t really decide where to place the TV. Well, it turns out every time I tried scooting the TV, the cord kept unplugging! It happens almost frequently and it drives me insane! Who has the time to be disconnected? Thank goodness Quail has a new solution for this reoccurring problem. Now introducing the Locking NEMA receptacle, the Q-Lock®!

Q-Lock 1How does this magical piece work? Continue reading Best Locking Extension Cord: The Q-Lock®

Put the Power Cord to the Test

Today we’ll be discussing the various “testing” cords must go through in order to be 100% ready to go and meet the requirements for the UL standards (or international safety agency approvals) of cord sets and power cord supplies.

UL generates standards and test procedures for products and equipment focusing on product safety. Power cords undergo some of the most common tests:insulation

  1. A grounding test. The purpose of a grounding test is to protect the consumer from hazards that can be caused by a faulty ground connection. A ground bond test is a high current AC test that measures resistance of the ground path under high current conditions.
  2. The continuity test is carried out under high current, simulating a fault to earth. This test is performed by applying an AC or DC current between the conductive surface and protective earth.
  3. There is a hi-pot test. This is a stress test of the insulation of a device under test DUT (Device Under Test). This means the voltage used in a hi-pot test can either be AC or DC.

Continue reading Put the Power Cord to the Test

The Auto-Lock Family Keeps Growing!

We’ve recently introduced the Auto-Lock® in colors, vibrant red, green, and blue!

Now, this time, we’re bringing in the Auto-Lock® with angles! Not only can you color code your devices, but you can also organize even better with these angled jumper cords.

The Auto-Lock® now comes in several angled cord configurations, shown in the tables below.

C13 Auto-Lock®

The first configuration in the standard IEC C14 to IEC C13 Auto-Lock® jumper cable. You can choose between 10 Amps to 15 Amps depending on the amount of power you need. These Auto-Lock cords are used in network applications such as servers and PDU’s.

up 6280 AL
down 4929 AL
left 5244 AL
right 3514 AL


c13 up angle c13 down angle
c13 left angle c13 right angle

Continue reading The Auto-Lock Family Keeps Growing!