Auto-Lock® Travels the Globe

Cover PhotoGrab your passport and prepare to set sail! The Auto-Lock® is traveling the globe! Quail Electronics is proud to introduce the International Auto-Lock®. That’s right; our favorite product is now certified to work overseas! The Auto-Lock® will include configurations for Argentina, Europe, Brazil, Switzerland, United Kingdom, China, Japan, Taiwan, South Africa, and Italy! Phew, what a mouthful!

Argentina Postcard
The Auto-Lock™ exploring Argentina!

C13 Auto-Lock ClearTo celebrate the Auto-Lock®’s adventures, every day on our Facebook page, we will be showcasing postcards featuring each country that has an Auto-Lock configuration. Yesterday we started things off in Argentina, and today we will be traveling to Brazil! Stay connected with us to see the Auto-Lock globe trot and for up to date information on all of our products, as well as information and news on the electronics and electrical industry.

As reviewed previously, the Auto-Lock is a great way to guarantee a steady connection. For those of you in the Chicago area September 10th through September 12th, feel free to stop by our booth (#2010) at the MDM Chicago Trade Show. For those of you not in the area, contact our sales staff  for more information, or to inquire about international configurations!

Brazil High Res Postcard
The Auto-Lock™ having a ball in Brazil!

By Clark Cable

When Clark isn’t chasing after the Auto-Lock® throughout the world, he enjoys being a homebody. There’s nothing he enjoys more than curling up with a mug of hot tea and his dog, Sparky the Spreagle, and watching a couple hours of the Electric Company or listening to his favorite Electric Light Orchestra albums. Clark always says, after a long day of electronics, you have to recharge your batteries.